Friday, January 8, 2010
Lie Lie Lie until they stop calling you on it and *ta daaaaa* it becomes the truth.
They've said that history is written by the victors, and for the most part, that is the truth. I mean the word itself is HIS-Story. Not THE-Story. It's always been about being on message. Columbus "discovered" a Continent that was already inhabited, yet we the sheep, honor this "discoverer" for being today's equivalent of a Katrina land scavenger. There are always 3 sides to a story. The perspective of the 2 participants and the facts. The problem we're having today is that basic undeniable FACTS can't even come out the mouth straight.
Take Rudy "9/11" Giuliani. This morning, this bastard has the nerve to come on ABC's GMA and have the following words come out of his mouth, "We had no domestic attacks under Bush, we've had one under Obama". This is the same bullshit Dana Perino said several weeks back on Fox News. THIS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT! This is a coordinated attempt to not just BEND the truth, but simply shit on the Memory of those who've perished on 9/11/01 and subsequently died fighting for the global economic TERRORISTS we call Wall Street. It is not about differing viewpoints, it is about strategically stoking the fears of Americans to further the Imperialistic Agenda of an elite few. Period! If you believe otherwise, then you have to admit that people who make these kinds of verbal shit-stains should no long be given any sort of forum and should immediately apologize for being idiots and be sentenced to writing, "I will no long get on television and tell lies about our country" until the take their last breath and die.
We can disagree, debate, discuss, all kinds of viewpoints. Have differing opinions on all kinds of subjects. How to fix the economy, abortion, health care, military use, racism, etc... I welcome it. It's what makes America a great nation. But I be DAMNED if George Stephenopolis collect another pay check and call himself a "journalist" if he, or any other "journalist" not stand up and IMMEDIATELY call Rudy 9/11 on this outright lie. I would understand if this 2 time divorced confirmed adulturer on city property was born and raised..... let's just say, in a jungle village in the Amazon and never had communication with the outside world. Better yet, frozen like Paulie Shore in "Encino Man", but that asshole was the MAYOR of NEW YORK CITY on September 11th!
I mean seriously!!! C'mon America. This is the kind of Treasonous shit I'd expect from a 5 time Vietnam draft deferment, hypocrite of a human, former Vice President who refused to testify under oath about 9/11, maggot of dog shit, otherwise known as Dick Cheney. Or the spawn of his creation daughter who wouldn't know the truth if it came from her own vagina, Liz. These are the people who were on watch when this shit went down, and yet, they are given a second of air time or a published column to spew this insane shit that the "Liberal Media" repeats like it's something more than a bad joke on Comedy Central.
President Obama took the time to figure out why someone with all these "red flags" was able to get on a flight, admit to the errors, and take responsibility. He's exactly right when he refuses to say we're at war with "Terror". We're at war with the group Al-Queda, who uses terror as it's major tactic. But if you're one of these MILF loving Palin-ites who can't get past the fact that she's the first fuckable (if that's even your type) republican since.... hell you tell me, or some D-Bag Tea Bagger, or Birther, otherwise know as an ignorant racist, then you just aren't smart enough to figure that out, and you don't deserve to be in the discussion either.
The next show George Stephenopolis should be on is the weather, in Mooseknuckle Maine, because NOT doing your job when it's this easy or this important, in unacceptable, and Un-American. My friends, no matter if you're Red State or Blue State. Liberal Progressive or Religious Conservative. White, Black, Latino, Asian, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, whatever... there are opinions, and there are hard FACTS. We can have different opinions, but the truth is the TRUTH, and that's a Fact.
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