Monday, January 4, 2010

Attention Ignorant Americans, "Terrorism" is a tactic, NOT a country or group of people!

"Terrorism" is a tactic, a tool, a method, of achieving a larger victory against a physically superior more powerful foe. A "Terrorist" is one who uses "terrorism". Continuing to mettle in foreign affairs, pillage natural resources, exploit labor markets, while marketing yourself as a nation of laws standing for truth and justice for all, you are creating the recipe for a continuous assembly line of rebellious angry young people who see this contradiction and see themselves as the Patriots and Minutemen of their people. Americans love to find a cause and wage "war" on it.

The War on drugs is a prime example. We've been at "War" with drugs since the early 80's. And haven't won so much as a battle. We've incarcerated more of our population as a percentage than any other developed nation on the planet. We've mis-spent more resources and created a violent criminal underground market which continues to feed people into the system of mis-spent resources thus creating a spiraling cycle that has no winnable end. Do you see any similarities? If any one reading this sees a winnable end to the "War on Drugs", please, by all means, let me know.

We aren't at "War" with "radical Islam". We're at war with ourselves.

Americans by and large are an ignorant people. The geographic isolation of North America and the lack of cultural acceptance and diversity that have plagued the growth of this great nation. This dumb ass (on FOX News of course) want to profile (not racially) ALL 18-24 year old Muslim men in airports. The fact that, in a nation of laws and a Constitution, this man is given a platform to speak such ignorance and it isn't laughed out into the street is infuriating.

Look, Ignorant Americans, STOP, once and for all, with this false belief that The United States of America is the one true light and beacon for freedom and justice for all. IT IS NOT! Oh it is Marketed that way, but like most things that need marketing, it's usually because the actual product doesn't not live up to the hype. The best Marketing is word of mouth, and years and years of trust and a quality product that lives up to is marketing. The USA is not that, and never has been.

I would like to live in a country like the one we learned about in elementary school. Where all men are created equal and we fight for justice around the globe and stand up for the Human Rights of all people. But we don't. We stand up for our "interests" around the world. And by "interests" I'm referring to the global economic-exploitative interests that have hijacked our republic. Which is why we will spend blood and treasure to free Kuwait, but don't sneeze on Darfur. Which is why Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses are ignored, but we sanction other nations for far less.

Do I love my country? Absolutely. Am I a "Patriot"? You bet cha'. Does that mean that my leaders can be wrong? Hell yeah. Do I have to always support and defend the decisions they make? Hell NO!

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