Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Abortion Torture, You gotta love a conservative unicameral....

Today, the Nebraska legislature voted to make sure that women seeking to have an abortion, "have the opportunity to see the sonogram" of the fetus. Now first off, let me state for the record that as a male, I feel like I have no relevant opinion on the abortion issue. I can not become pregnant and therefore I will never be in a position to have to make the decision of terminating a pregnancy or not. This can not be an easy decision for any woman. The physical and emotional trauma that it must take on the female body is nothing any man can fathom. So then why, in a largely male dominated government is the issue of abortion so important? If this had anything to do with the penis, it would be off the table, period.

So why intrude government in this procedure? Oh by the way miss, you gotta look at this before we conclude. WHY? Is this supposed to eliminate abortions? The Conservative Right really hates Women and Homosexuals. They protect the rights of unborn children, but want to execute criminals? Does that make sense to anyone? They say children do so much better in homes with a loving family environment, but think homosexuals are attacking the "sanctity" of marriage. No you idiot, divorce, alcohol, abuse, and that new secretary at work are attacking the "sanctity" of marriage. Gay couples can raise a straight child, but that's another topic for discussion....

The Right loves to punish, but doesn't offer any solutions. They want all these babies, but don't want to provide a nickles worth of social services for them. You never hear about abortions in affluent areas, like rich kids don't screw (Bristol Palin anyone?). If you're going to show the woman the sonogram, are you also going to show her the statistics on unwed mothers? The lack of educational opportunities, cost of prenatal care, tremendous support from friends and family, missed opportunities to learn, grow, and be a kid? If the woman is an adult, is the pregnancy planned, does she even want children? This isn't deciding between a Big Mac and a Quarter pounder.

It's about the opportunity for a woman to have the choice, plain and simple. Provide people education, knowledge, resources. Help them make informed decisions. Don't throw pictures in their faces and make them out to be bad people. Don't judge, educate, and maybe we can work together to create to eliminate the demand for abortions.

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